Analyse & Kritik

Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory


"Tom Sterkenburg"

Titel: Good Listeners, Wise Crowds, and Parasitic Experts
Autor: Jan-Willem Romeijn / Tom Sterkenburg / Peter Grünwald
Seite: 399-408

Comment on Paul D. Thorn and Gerhard Schurz

Abstract: This article comments on the article of Thorn and Schurz in this volume and focuses on, what we call, the problem of parasitic experts. We discuss that both meta-induction and crowd wisdom can be understood as pertaining to absolute reliability rather than comparative optimality, and we suggest that the involvement of reliability will provide a handle on this problem.

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Social Epistemology
2012 (34) Heft 2

The research program of social epistemology developed from a critique of philosophical epistemology around thirty years ago. Since then it has attracted ever-growing attention among philosophers. But social epistemology also offers prolific alignments for the social sciences. The starting point of social epistemology is the elementary fact that most of our knowledge is acquired not by our own autonomous exploration but by relying on information from others: on testimony. This is especially true ...

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