Analyse & Kritik

Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory


"Rüdiger Bittner"

Titel: Achtung und ihre moralische Bedeutung
Autor: Rüdiger Bittner
Seite: 339-350

Abstract: While ,Achtung’ in ordinary German means either attention or esteem, Kant used the word, on the one hand, to indicate the attitude of those who do what is right for the reason that it is right (,respect for the law’), and on the other, to indicate an attitude that we are morally required to entertain towards all human beings (,respect for humanity’). What that attitude is and why we are bound to adopt it, does not become clear. Recent writers do give content to the notion, a rather arbitrary one, though, given the ordinary meaning of ,Achtung’. Contrary to what is widely believed, then, the moral significance of ,Achtung’ is limited; limited, that is, to the fact that attentiveness to others’ virtues is itself a virtue.

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Titel: Achtung und ihre moralische Bedeutung: Erwiderung auf Peter Schaber
Autor: Rüdiger Bittner
Seite: 363-365

Abstract: The present reply to Peter Schaber’s critique of my paper Achtung und ihre moralische Bedeutung argues, first, that Schaber has no good grounds for maintaining that we have an obligation to respect every human being. Second, it explains why respect is not a fruitful attitude to take in the face of social divisions.

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Titel: Wer verdrängt was warum? Schwierigkeiten in Freuds Begriff der Verdrängung
Autor: Rüdiger Bittner
Seite: 103-118

Abstract: Freud's concept of repression should be discarded because we do not understand what supposedly is being repressed, nor what is repressing, nor why it is done. Freud's answers to the first two questions fall short of the dynamic picture of forces and counterforces implicit in the idea of repression. The answer to the last question invokes an unacceptable separation of agencies in the person.

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