Analyse & Kritik

Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory


"Lothar Kuhlen"

Titel: Zur Abgrenzung von Recht und Moral. Kommentar zu K. Lüderssens "Recht, Strafrecht und Sozialmoral"
Autor: Lothar Kuhlen
Seite: 223-236

Abstract: Lüderssen's definition of legal and moral norms according to the varying degree of consent given to them is rejected. The definition proposed is not only imprecise, but also inadequate in substance as it is in contradiction with central and plausible aspects of our conception of morals. On the face of it the definition put forward is convincing only in the context of a "recognition-theory" of law. It is argued that this theory is not convincing either and moreover can manage without this definition.

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Titel: Setzung von Rechtsnormen unter Berücksichtigung der Praxis: Das Beispiel des Strafrechts
Autor: Lothar Kuhlen
Seite: 371-390

The article examines - with a multitude of examples - the complex method, in which criminal rules evolve in contemporary law. This happens in a continuing process, to which - in addition to the citizens - the legislator, criminal courts and the Federal Constitution Court contribute. The courts are not confined to applying the laws enacted by the legislator, which would be in accordance to a simple model of the separation of powers. The laws rather have to undergo an on-road test by the courts, during which they can prove to be practicable, difficult to handle or not practicable at all and therefore void. The legislator for his part takes note of the judicature and that often brings him to make further decisions. These include the abstaining from establishing new laws, the (plain or modifying) reception of some jurisdictional opinions, the changing of laws against their jurisdictional interpretation and the transformation of other than the jurisdictionally interpreted laws. All in all the criminal law proves to be a good example for the incremental evolution of norms, which occurs in a specific division of labour between the legislator, the criminal courts and the Federal Constitution Court.

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ohne Titel
1981 (3) Heft 2

Die Diskussionen über eine Theorie der gerechten Gesellschaft stehen mit im Zentrum der programmatischen Konzeption von ANALYSE & KRITIK. Das Ziel einer solchen Theorie muß es sein, Kriterien zu formulieren und zu begründen, um zwischen gerechten und ungerechten Institutionen einer Gesellschaft unterscheiden zu können. Neben der Aufstellung allgemeiner Prinzipien - dazu zählen z. B. das Utilitäts-, Differenz- und Anspruchsprinzip - muß eine Theorie der gerechten Gesellschaft, wenn sie sic...

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Logic, Morals, Measurement - Origins and Justifications of Norms
2016 (38) Heft 2
Guest Editors: Susanne Hahn and Oliver Schlaudt

1. The Scope of Normativity“

“Do not use your mobile phone“, “unauthorized entrance prohibited“, “in order for your will to have legal force you must sign it in the presence of at least two witnesses“, “scientific experiments should be reproducible“, “water to cook pasta in should be as salty as the Mediterranean“, “the Federal Court is responsible for deciding civil matters assigned to it by statute“, “if you use a direct quotation from an author you should enclos...

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