Analyse & Kritik

Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory


"Jens Beckert"

Titel: Normen und das ökonomische Handlungsmodell. Eine weitere Replik auf Gebhard Kirchgässner (ANALYSE & KRITIK 20, 221-244)
Autor: Jens Beckert
Seite: 138-141

Abstract: This note on my exchange with G. Kirchgässner points to a possible misunderstanding and one serious difference of opinion. On the empirical side I tried to make visible social values and norms which cannot be reduced to economic preferences. On the normative side I tried to criticise the rational-choice-approach for being either obviously wrong or empirically empty.

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Titel: Triumph und Grenzen des Marktes. Erwiderung auf Gebhard Kirchgässners "Auf der Suche nach dem Gespenst des Ökonomismus" (Analyse & Kritik 19, 127-152)
Autor: Jens Beckert
Seite: 205-220

Abstract: While markets are important mechanisms for coordination of social ex-change it has to be looked at their limits and preconditions as well. This paper advocates three claims: First, under conditions of externalities and asymmetric dis-tribution of information the efficient functioning of markets depends on non-market institutions. Second, social limitations of the expansion of markets reflect a value- realm in which society constitutes itself. These values, though they change, are nor-matively immune against efficiency consideration. Third, the rational-actor model of economies is insufficient for the understanding of the non-rational preconditions of markets and the embeddedness of markets in social values.

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Titel: Märkte, Normen und das ökonomische Handlungsmodell. Eine Replik auf Jens Beckert
Autor: Gebhard Kirchgässner
Seite: 221-244

Abstract: First it is shown that in order to function well markets depend on same preconditions even if there are no external effects and there is complete information. One of these conditions is that individuals follow some moral norms. Then it is asked whether these norms are non-consequentialist. There might be some norms for which no consequentialist foundation can be constructed. However, these are not the norms which have to be followed in order that a market system functions well. Such norm-following-behaviour can successfully be analysed with the economic model of behaviour, if the motivational assumption of this model is not artificially restricted to consider only financial incentives. Finally it is pointed to the fact that it is reasonable to employ the economic model of behaviour not only for analysing social processes but also for developing policy recommendations.

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